Earlier this month, we returned to Milwaukee and the Pettit Center for the first time since Liz's short track injury there in October 2010. The reason for the visit was her debut on that ice as a long-tracker. Whatever demons were in that hall were quickly exorcised, when Liz got a personal best in the 500 meter race on the first day, was raised up in the pairings and got a season's best at 1000m. There is still more recovery to go, but she had two very happy parents in the stand that weekend! First set of fingers are uncrossed.
On Dec. 15-16, with the good graces of the weather gods, Liz and I will both skate at the Jack Shea Sprints on the long track oval in Lake Placid. For Liz, I'm hoping it will be a good outdoor tune up for Am Cup III in Roseville MN in January. For me, it's the chance to try long track for the second time in human history! So, fingers crossed, Part II.
An excellent masters skater, Bruce Connor, writes a very interesting blog called "Faster as a Master." I've put a link over in my right hand column, in case anyone who finds this blog would like to look at the world of Masters' skating a little more closely. After all, you'll all be Masters division eventually!
Homemade Orange Lemonade
6 months ago