31 August 2009

Not Exactly Greased Lightning

Well, the summer is almost over and my dry land training has been less frequent that I would have hoped, but there is still some fun to be had. Three of the older men in the Rochester Speedskating Team, Don Ducharme, Jerry Roberts and I raced a 5k on 8/30 for the Veterans Outreach of Rochester, called Pound the Ground for Vets. A near perfect morning for a race...cool, sunny, no humidity to speak of....and a very nice turnout of perhaps 160-170 for the organization's first race on a nice course in Genesee Valley Park. The good news: finished the race. The bad news: have some conditioning to do before ice season starts in a couple of weeks!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for finishing the race! I know all about the battle to get conditioning completed prior to getting on the ice. Best of luck.

I am so glad to have found your blog! I have added you to our blogroll.

Lisa from This Might Hurt Our Reputation: Proof that three friends don't have to be teenagers to still go fast.

Anonymous said...

Hi there- love your blog- found it following a story about my friend Bruce Conner. I run a non-profit called IceReach and would love to feature you in one of our stories! Great Blog! amshipstad@icereach.org